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Wiki Usage:For administrators

From X2Engine
Revision as of 20:02, 13 September 2012 by X2WikiAdmin (talk | contribs)
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Editing the UI =

Edit the sidebar
Edit the site notice (the text displayed above the content of every page)
The above pages, and more, for modifying the layout and UI content
iw_local, iw_trans) VALUES ("x2", "http://www.x2engine.com/$1", 1, 0);</syntaxhighlight> Then, a link to the "about" page:
For more information, see mw:Help:Interwiki
Add custom HTML to the template
Edit VectorTemplate::execute() in public_html/skins/Vector.php (a backup of this skin has been made in Backup/Vector, in case anything should go wrong). The body begins after these lines:
                // Output HTML Page
                $this->html( 'headelement' );


Change the syntax highlighting CSS
Purging a cached page (i.e. if the sidebar or site notice is out of date)
Add "&action=purge" to the end of the page's url and re-request the page.
Globally purging all cached pages and objects (more useful but more involved)
Log into the server via SSH and run php Scripts/purgeCache.php
Create a URL shorthand for linking to another site
For example, I made one to www.x2engine.com so that the "About X2Engine" in the footer could be made a link to the main X2Engine site: <syntaxhighlight lang="mysql"> INSERT INTO interwiki (iw_prefix, iw_url,