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Revision as of 17:56, 13 February 2014 by Demitri (talk | contribs)
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DomainKeys Identified Mail: a system for digitally signing email that provides the means to securely verify that the email's origin is legitimate.
Domain Name System: a naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network (i.e. that identifies "google.com" with its internet protocol address)
Fully qualified domain name: a domain name that specifies its exact location in the tree hierarchy of the Domain Name System (DNS).
Message transfer agent: an email relay service, i.e. Postfix, QMail or Exim4.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: a network protocol for sending email to a remote server, often involving password authentication and end-to-end SSL encryption.
Secure Sockets Layer (a.k.a Transport Layer Security) a method of connecting to a remote network host that encrypts traffic on any given network protocol that uses it.
Transport Layer Security a method of connecting to a remote network host that encrypts traffic on any given network protocol that uses it.
(See wikipedia:Cron): a job scheduler for UNIX-like operating systems
installation directory
The directory (folder) on the web server where X2Engine is installed. You will know that you are operating within this directory when you see a file constants.php and the following subdirectories: assets, css, custom, framework, images, js, protected, themes and uploads.
user menu
The menu accessed by clicking on one's own username in the far upper-right-hand corner of the application.